Three More Of Our Favourite Carrier Oils You Need To Add To Your Skincare Routine

Three More Of Our Favourite Carrier Oils You Need To Add To Your Skincare Routine

Looking for the perfect carrier oil to add to your skin care routine?

In this post we will be covering three MORE of our favourite carrier oils for skin care. If you want to know more about what a carrier oil is, or want a refresher on the subject, please read our blog post on carrier oils. Carrier oils are a great way to add hydration and moisture to your skin, plus with a carrier oil you can be sure you are using only Mother Nature’s finest ingredients, this is a great way to remove synthetic and harmful products from your skin care routine.

Carrier oils are absorbed effortlessly by your skin, because they are pure, additive free, and protect your skin’s delicate lipid barrier, effectively stopping dehydration in its tracks. Did you know that your top layer of skin, called the stratum corneum consists almost entirely of dead skin cells, and that oily lipids keep it together? By continuously supplying the stratum corneum with healthy and nourishing carrier oils, your skin will be protected from the effects of the elements, while basking your skin in beautiful radiance. Now let’s take a look at the top five oils to help you unlock your skins potential, balance oil production, improve skin texture, and reduce the visible signs of aging!

Evening Primrose Oil

Are you looking for a jack-of-all-trades carrier oil that is suitable for almost all skin types, look no further than Evening Primrose carrier oil! Evening Primrose oil is especially great for oily and acne-prone skin types, because it contains gamma-linoleic acid, a fatty acid. Linoleic acid is known to reduce clogged pores by dissolving away pore impurities, which can help fight acne. The high levels of fatty acids found in Evening Primrose oil help reduce skin inflammation, redness, and irritation.

The elevated gamma-linoleic acid levels along with other nutrients found within Evening Primrose oil are critical to our cell structures, improve skin elasticity, and increases skin firmness, all helping your skin appear younger. This moisturizing powerhouse helps to reduce wrinkles, dryness, and even boosts skin cell regeneration, helping you maintain soft skin. Evening Primrose oil will leave an oily coating on your skin, making it a great helper in retaining skin moisture. 

Avocado Oil

Avocado carrier oil is crammed full of antioxidants and has great anti-inflammatory properties, all resulting in soft, smooth, and elastic skin. The sheer number of vitamins in Avocado oil make you think it is a multivitamin for your skin! It is packed with vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, and as if that was not enough, add beta-carotene to the mix.

Avocado oil is known to have a rather heavy scent, and absorbs slowly into the skin, leaving a healthy sheen on your face. It can be used alone or in conjunction with other carrier oils, enriching them with a multitude of vitamins and antioxidants, creating supercharged and radiant skin!

Avocado oil has a very high omega-3 fatty acid count, and huge sterolin content! Sterolins are those awesome compounds full of anti-inflammatory properties; they even help heal sun damage, and even reduce the appearance of age spots.

All in all, we recommend starting with Jojoba oil, as you are less likely to have an adverse reaction. When you are ready to try new carrier oils, mix 80% Jojoba oil and 20% of the new oil, this will help minimize the potential adverse effects of the new oil.

Olive Oil

Olive oil has been around for over a thousand years, it was even referred to as liquid gold by the ancient Greeks! Olive carrier oil provides a multitude of nourishing benefits to your skin, while killing and safeguarding you from bacteria.

Olive oil is an antioxidant, and some prize it for its potential prevention or even reversal of damage caused by cancer-caused UV radiation. It is also packed with vitamin A, D, K, and E, and provides deep moisture to your skin.

Olive oil is full and I mean full of healthy fats and acids, such as oleic acids (omega 9), linoleic acids (omega 6), palmitic acid, stearic acid, and linolenic (omega 3). Lets take a look at the benefits of these acids and fats. Oleic acids maintain the softness and suppleness of your skin, and reduce the visible signs of aging. Linoleic acids are great for moisturizing skin, facilitating wound healing, promotes moisture retention, and even soothes acne! Palmitic acid helps with smooth skin, as it is an abundant saturated fatty acid. The stearic acid found in olive carrier oil is amazing with softening your skin, and helps purge dirt and excess sebum from your skin. Linolenic acid helps to lessen inflammation, and even can control blood clotting on the skin.

Olive oil is abundant in polyphenols, which soothe inflammation, repair dry skin, improves skin elasticity, enhance skin moisture levels, and even boost circulation! The carotenoids found in olive oil have antioxidant properties, boost collagen production, and hydrate your skin. Finally, squalene, another health powerhouse helps to regulate sebum production, softens your skin, and is an amazing moisturizer.

Don’t forget in order to maximize the benefits of your oils, select only 100% pure, cold pressed, and organic oils, from a trusted and reputable source.  Also, if you haven’t seen our pervious blog post in this series where we covered three more of the best carrier oil for your skin make sure to check it out here.

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